
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Finance Terms Application
This application manages finance terms using an in-memory SQLite database. It allows you to create finance terms, update their status, and retrieve them with optional filters and sorting.

Why SQLite3?
SQLite3 was chosen for its simplicity and lightweight nature, making it suitable for applications that require a local, file-based or in-memory database without the need for a separate server process. It's widely supported and works seamlessly with Node.js applications.

To install the necessary dependencies, run:

npm install
node ./server

Running Tests
npm test

Finance Terms Table
The FinanceTerms table in the SQLite database has the following schema:

id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT: Unique identifier for each finance term.
insurancePolicies TEXT: JSON string representing insurance policies associated with the finance term.
downpayment REAL: Amount paid upfront.
dueDate TEXT: Due date for payments.
amountFinanced REAL: Total amount financed.
status TEXT: Current status of the finance term (e.g., pending, agreed).

How It Works
Creating Finance Terms
To create a new finance term, send a POST request to /finance-terms with JSON data containing insurancePolicies and dueDate. The server calculates downpayment and amountFinanced based on the provided policies and responds with the created finance term.

Updating Finance Term Status
To update the status of a finance term to "agreed", send a PATCH request to /finance-terms/:id/agree, where :id is the ID of the finance term. The server updates the status in the database and returns the updated finance term.

Listing Finance Terms
To list finance terms with optional filters and sorting, send a GET request to /finance-terms. You can filter by downpayment and status, and sort by fields in ascending or descending order by providing the sort query parameter (field:order).

Error Handling
Errors, such as missing insurance policies or database issues, are handled gracefully with appropriate status codes and error messages returned in JSON format.