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iOS, Android, web, hardware, name it, there's a meetup for you!
There is a short description of the problem commented in each prblem
A – A customer arrives at the rear of the line. The program will generate a se-quence number and time stamp to identify the customer and the arrival time. It will place them in a queue. • D – A customer departs from the front of the line. The program will display the customer’s ID number and the number of seconds that the customer waited. • C – Close the store. Display on the screen the average waiting time for all the cus-tomers who were served during the simulation, and terminate the simulation. • Any other entry at the command prompt will result in an error message
Simple_Todo_App is an android app that allows building a todo list and basic todo items management functionality including adding new items, and deleting an existing item.
Sara3's Repositories
List of organizations for women in tech in the bay area
Repository of prompts to be solved using recursion
There is a short description of the problem commented in each prblem
iOS, Android, web, hardware, name it, there's a meetup for you!
solve leetcode prob
This folder contains problems that I try to solve to practice. Each problems have a comments section that expains what I am trying to achieve.
Simple_Todo_App is an android app that allows building a todo list and basic todo items management functionality including adding new items, and deleting an existing item.
Cracking the Coding Interview 6th Ed. C++ Solutions
Conscious Awareness is an application that allows users to be more informed about the social issues in the society by providing factual information to the users. From there, users have the ability to read other user's posts and make comments on any single page. Because many people are formulating their opinions on an issue based on what others say, this application would be able to reduce the biased opinions and allow users to devise their own opinions solely based on the facts given.
StudySpot is a way for students to find places to study within a certain radius of their location and provides helpful links to other websites that aide students studying. With StudySpot students no longer have to struggle to find a place to study when they have trouble concentrating at home.
Our application, RipeType, allows users to distinguish between ripe and unripe fruits, for people who have Color vision discrepancy or Color Blindness. Through RipeType’s in-app camera, users take a picture of a fruit, and the app pulls the photograph up on the screen, where the user taps on the fruit, and the app analyzes the pixel data.
StudySpot is a way for students to find places to study within a certain radius of their location and provides helpful links to other websites that aide students studying. With StudySpot students no longer have to struggle to find a place to study when they have trouble concentrating at home.
This program is designed to be used by Georgetown College’s library, Ensor Learning Resources Center. It will quiz the workers in the library about their knowledge of shelving books after they have gone through training.
Android networking demo for displaying Box Office Movies using the RottenTomatoes API
This program is designed to be used by Georgetown College’s library, Ensor Learning Resources Center. It will quiz the workers in the library about their knowledge of shelving books after they have gone through training.
Henkel's Notecards
Include a main program to read a series of numbers from an input file and insert them into a binary search tree. Then, allow the user to repeatedly look up chosen values in the tree. The program will respond to each of the user’s choices by indicating whether it is found in the tree. Let the value zero serve as a sentinel for the user’s input.
A – A customer arrives at the rear of the line. The program will generate a se-quence number and time stamp to identify the customer and the arrival time. It will place them in a queue. • D – A customer departs from the front of the line. The program will display the customer’s ID number and the number of seconds that the customer waited. • C – Close the store. Display on the screen the average waiting time for all the cus-tomers who were served during the simulation, and terminate the simulation. • Any other entry at the command prompt will result in an error message
Each expression consists of variables and operators. A variable is a single letter of the alphabet. An operator is one of the four fundamental arithmetic operators +, -, *, and /. The variable is in prefix change it into infix
a main program that creates a lander and performs a brief flight