Your own Cinema 🍕📺

Click HERE to check out our web app.

<< Figma Design <<

🍕 Description:

This is a simple web app for those who like to pick their favorite show to watch while eat a snack they like to prepare beforehand. You can pick your favorite meals and TV shows, and get all the details that you need.

🍕 How to use:

  • First you choose whether you want to watch a TV show or prepare meal.
  • In the TV shows page you will find a number of suggested TV shows.
  • You can pick one to display its seasons and episodes.
  • You can search for any TV show.
  • In the meals page you will see a number of meals.
  • You can choose any meal and see instructions on how to make it as well as a video.
  • You can search for any specific meal.
  • Enjooyyyy!

🍕 User Journey:

When the user first enters the website, they find a homepage where they can choose between watching a show or prepare a meal. The TV shows page displays a number of suggested TV shows. The user can check the seasons and each season's episodes. They can also search for any show they want to watch. The Meals page displays a variety of meals options from which the user can pick to see instructions on how to make them, in addition to a demo video. They can also search for any specific meal.

🍕 Installation

  • If you're a Git user:

    • In Your terminal write git clone
    • Then cd your-own-cinema
  • If you're not a git user:

    • Click on the 'Code' green button on the right.
    • Click on 'Download ZIP'.
    • You will have the project as ZIP file.
    • Extract the files. voila! you have the project now.


🍕 Used Technologies:

  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Git & Github
  • Third party APIs
  • Figma

📌 API resources:

🍕 Team members: