Bunny Detective: Tile Hunt Adventure (Final Game with all iteratives)

Itch.io link: https://sa-grave.itch.io/bunny-detective-tile-hunt-adventure?secret=28YVssXtHRm98SHC9L5CkmbXr8

Iterative1_snakegame - Iterative 2 - Iterative 3

Design hypothesis 1:

The design hypothesis for this game is to explore how the snake game can be explored further from its original design and concept. This game combines two different classic games which are the snake game and find the difference. The find the difference is where the player will have to find the different cube on the pattern full floor to move on to the next level. As the player levels up, finding the cube will become harder and harder along aside with a faster movement of the character.

Design Journal Entries:

Playtester 1:

  • Instead of just having the character move around, make a grid like the original snake game.
  • The collecting of the food does not work properly.
  • The character is cool.
  • The long character tail should be done so it gets more intense when the player turns. So when the character touches its tail, it dies.
  • The cube concept of finding is a cool idea.

Playtester 2:

  • The speed and the movement of the character are good.
  • If each level will have different types of speed, the character should also change.
  • Maybe adding different shapes of the floor would be more fun. Level one is square but level 2 can be a circle. And the player will have to move around to find the cube.

Playtester 3:

  • To make it more engaging add sound effects and scores. This will keep people motivated.
  • Having some sort of feedback is needed.
  • The speed and movement are good.
  • Having a starter instructions page is needed, in order to know what to do.
  • Also having different controls on different levels could be interesting.
  • This playtester also agrees with different floor shapes as the player moves up in levels.

Playtester 4:

  • Had a hard time finding the main objective of the game.
  • Added the instruction page is needed.
  • Had a hard time finding the cube hidden in the floor pattern, so having level 1 - easy would be better so the player can understand what they are doing.
  • Making the cube move randomly on the same level is interesting because it creates more motivation.
  • Right now the game is boring.
  • Add more obstacles like walls.
  • Movement is good - smooth and clean.

Playtester 5:

  • The movement is too slow - give them the option to go faster like using the shift key.
  • Objective is not clear.
  • Instruction page is needed.
  • Instead of moving with a mouse, using the keyboard is good.
  • After getting the cube the tail grows longer.
  • Having different shapes for floors for different floors will make the game more dynamic.

Playtester 6:

  • Let the player get used to the control.
  • Let the character grow bigger (by the tail or getting fat).
  • Increase the speed
  • different levels in different environments.
  • different sky and environment.
  • Give texture to the character also so it does not stand out too much.

Playtester 7:

  • The control is confusing
  • Cute character though
  • Movement is slow but it is good for level one.
  • Maybe the camera position changes as the level changes.
  • It gets fat or the tail gets longer.
  • Different textures for both the character and the floor.
  • The different floor shapes are interesting but it could be a lot and challenging if they change constantly after each level.

Reflection on the result of the playtester:

The playtester was very helpful since it give me a lot of different ideas on how to improve this game and make it more interesting and engaging. The result of the design hypothesis was good. The 'snake game' and 'finding the difference' game combination is a good idea. It will give much more depth to different levels. The big outcome of the playtest was the concept of having different floor shapes for different levels. I think this would make the game more enjoyable and exciting. It will create interesting camera angles too if I can figure out how to do that.

Iterative 2 - Iterative 3

Design hypothesis 2:

The design hypothesis for this game is to explore how the snake game can be explored further from its original design and concept. This game combines two different classic games which are the snake game and find the difference. The find the difference is where the player will have to find the different cube on the pattern full floor to move on to the next level. As the player levels up, finding the cube will become harder and harder along aside with a faster movement of the character.

Design Journal Entries:

Playtester 1:

  • Instead of just having the character move around, make a grid like the original snake game.
  • The collecting of the food does not work properly.
  • The character is cool.
  • The long character tail should be done so it gets more intense when the player turns. So when the character touches its tail, it dies.
  • The cube concept of finding is a cool idea.

Playtester 2:

  • The speed and the movement of the character are good.
  • If each level will have different types of speed, the character should also change.
  • Maybe adding different shapes of the floor would be more fun. Level one is square but level 2 can be a circle. And the player will have to move around to find the cube.

Playtester 3:

  • To make it more engaging add sound effects and scores. This will keep people motivated.
  • Having some sort of feedback is needed.
  • The speed and movement are good.
  • Having a starter instructions page is needed, in order to know what to do.
  • Also having different controls on different levels could be interesting.
  • This playtester also agrees with different floor shapes as the player moves up in levels.

Playtester 4:

  • Had a hard time finding the main objective of the game.
  • Added the instruction page is needed.
  • Had a hard time finding the cube hidden in the floor pattern, so having level 1 - easy would be better so the player can understand what they are doing.
  • Making the cube move randomly on the same level is interesting because it creates more motivation.
  • Right now the game is boring.
  • Add more obstacles like walls.
  • Movement is good - smooth and clean.

Playtester 5:

  • The movement is too slow - give them the option to go faster like using the shift key.
  • Objective is not clear.
  • Instruction page is needed.
  • Instead of moving with a mouse, using the keyboard is good.
  • After getting the cube the tail grows longer.
  • Having different shapes for floors for different floors will make the game more dynamic.

Playtester 6:

  • Let the player get used to the control.
  • Let the character grow bigger (by the tail or getting fat).
  • Increase the speed
  • different levels in different environments.
  • different sky and environment.
  • Give texture to the character also so it does not stand out too much.

Playtester 7:

  • The control is confusing
  • Cute character though
  • Movement is slow but it is good for level one.
  • Maybe the camera position changes as the level changes.
  • It gets fat or the tail gets longer.
  • Different textures for both the character and the floor.
  • The different floor shapes are interesting but it could be a lot and challenging if they change constantly after each level.

Reflection on the result of the playtester:

The playtester was very helpful since it give me a lot of different ideas on how to improve this game and make it more interesting and engaging. The result of the design hypothesis was good. The 'snake game' and 'finding the difference' game combination is a good idea. It will give much more depth to different levels. The big outcome of the playtest was the concept of having different floor shapes for different levels. I think this would make the game more enjoyable and exciting. It will create interesting camera angles too if I can figure out how to do that.

Design hypothesis 2:

The design hypothesis for the second Iterative is to create two levels to see if how the players use the camera. since I want to keep the camera in a fixed position rather than moving it around.

Design Journal Entries:

Playtester 1:

  • The game is slow and not advanced than last week
  • Make the level one easier and add the promt before the user knows what to do.
  • Having the first player view would be better since it will make the player see different tiles on the ground.
  • Cool concept.

Playtester 2:

  • Maybe having more levels would be better to get the full experience of the game.
  • maybe add differnt animals on the differnt levels.
  • Fixed camera is fine but it woul be better if the camera was on the player so you could control where you look.
  • However, it could be challening since you move in one direction with arrow key.

Playtester 3:

  • cool concept
  • Maybe make the animal fall to the next level when they find the different tile on the floor
  • Instead of going to the next one with prompt
  • Level one should be easier with a opening prompt with somesort of storyline.
  • Whichever camera is easy to do for you however it would be better to have the first player view.

Playtester 4:

  • Create a storyline of why they need to find the different key.
  • There should be some sort of motivation for the user to keep on playing.
  • But having the camera as the first player would be better since you can control where you see.

Reflection on the result of the playtester: All of the player believed that having the first view camera would be better so the player could control how and what they see. I think I would try to create the first view camera because I do agree with them and it will create more interest in finding the different square. I also like one of the comment where instead of moving to different level, why not just fall into that level.

Iterative 3

Design hypothesis 3: The design hypothesis for this iterative is to see how the user react to different shapes of levels and the audio. If it is easier to move between them and is to too complicated to nevigate.

Design Journal Entries:


  • The different level are good however the camera speed is bit fast.
  • cool game
  • Maybe it would be great if the player could jump.
  • The audio is good and the intro sound is good.


  • Interesting game
  • Maybe it could be very repeative like repeating over and over, if you hide the tile inside the other tile like hide and seek. That would be more chanllening yet the player will have to go around and inside the other tiles to look for the special tile.
  • The sound is good but it would be better if everytime the bunny moves, we hear a hoping sound instead of music.
  • And maybe we should see the bunny to see what is happening since it hides some of the tile that we cannot see.
  • Overall good game but adding a better prompt would be good to let the user know what is happening.


  • Simple yet creative game. Like the idea of the combination of the puzzle game, with find the differece and snake game.
  • Maybe some of the levels are a bit chanlleging.
  • I wish I could see the bunny hopping around instead it being the camera.
  • Sound it good, since it gives it a relaxation vibe but also keeps a sort of mystery.
  • Nice idea.

Reflection on the result of the playtester: I asked my friends to do the playtest for me and Dillon actually came up good idea of hiding the unique tile inside a regular tile and then the player will have to go inside to discover them. I really liked this idea however, I did not know how to do this without making the bunny fall through the tile. Howeve, overall the test was good and I like that the audio was good and it give the feeling I wanted it to give.

Video references, images and audio citations:







All the images are from Unsplash:

All the audio are from Freesound;