
Educational tool for modelling of COVID-19 spread in Jamaica

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

COVID-19 in Jamaica: An Educational Model


Graph-based modelling of COVID-19 spread in the Caribbean developed for the Centre for Design Informatics at The University of Edinburgh.

Please note the model is intended for educational purposes only.

The repository does not include real Caribbean based data.



Project dependencies are listed in env.yaml file, which can be used to create a virtual environment with conda.

conda env create -f env.yaml
conda activate covid19-caribbean-model

See conda environments documentation for more information.


See the data description for detailed information about the origin and expected formatting of the data files.

Single simulation

Run a simulation for a single set of parameters. The model is run 10 times by default and the results are averaged.


python -m src.run_single -i sample


usage: run_single.py [-h] -i file [-o file] [-n int] [-lg str] [-ng] [-q]
                     [-gp file] [-dtp file]

Runs the simulation once based on the files provided

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i file, --input_spec_file file
                        JSON file specifying locations of data files required
                        for the specification. See input files specification
                        in data/README.md for details. 'real' defaults to
                        data/real/input-spec.json; 'sample' defaults to
  -o file, --output_filename file
                        Filename where the results should be saved.
                        data/output/sample-output.json by default.
  -n int, --number_of_runs int
                        Number of runs of the simulation. If bigger than 1,
                        the simulation results are averaged across the runs.
                        10 by deafult.
  -lg str, --load_graph_dir str
                        When supplied, attempts to load graph from a file
                        {community_name}-graph.pkl in specified directory.
  -ng, --new_graph      Construct a graph on per simulation basis instead of
                        once per run.
  -q, --quiet           Do not print results to console.
  -gp file, --graph_plot_filename file
                        When supplied, saves PNG graph visualisation to given
  -dtp file, --doubling_time_plot_filename file
                        When supplied, saves PNG doubling time plot to given

Multiple simulations

Run a simulation for each combination of app inputs provided.


python -m src.run_all -i sample


usage: run_all.py [-h] -i file [-o dir] [-n int] [-tasks int] [-chunk int]
                  [-cpu int] [-uinter] [-dinter] [-gensample] [-lg str] [-ng]

Runs the simulation for each combination of app inputs provided

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i file, --input_spec_file file
                        JSON file specifying locations of data files required
                        for the specification. See input files specification
                        in data/README.md for details. 'real' defaults to
                        data/real/input-spec.json; 'sample' defaults to
  -o dir, --output_dir dir
                        Directory where the results should be saved.
                        data/output/ by default.
  -n int, --number_of_runs int
                        Number of runs per single simulation. If bigger than
                        1, the simulation results are averaged across the
                        runs. 10 by default.
  -tasks int, --max_tasks_per_child int
                        Number of maximum tasks per child subprocess. 1 by
  -chunk int, --chunksize int
                        Chunksize of multiprocessing pool mapping. 1 by
  -cpu int, --cpu int   Number of worker processes to use. Number of CPU cores
                        by default.
  -uinter, --use_intermediary
                        Compute only variants not already present in
                        intermediary/ directory.
  -dinter, --delete_intermediary
                        Delete the intermediary/ directory after the
                        simulations finish. intermediary/ directory stores
                        graphs and results of every variant in separate files
                        which are joint together after all simulations finish.
  -gensample, --generate_sample
                        Do not run the simulation and return dummy results
  -lg str, --load_graph_dir str
                        When supplied, attempts to load graph from a file
                        {community_name}-graph.pkl in specified directory.
  -ng, --new_graph      Construct a graph on per simulation basis instead of
                        once per community.
  -sp, --single_processing
                        Do not use multiprocessing.

Graph generation

Graphs can be precomputed and saved to a file so that the simulation can load them and skip the graph building step.


python -m src.generate_graphs -i sample -c A,B


usage: generate_graphs.py [-h] -i file [-o dir] [-c csv names]

Generate and save graphs for communities

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i file, --input_spec_file file
                        JSON file specifying locations of data files required
                        for the specification. See input files specification
                        in data/README.md for details. 'real' defaults to
                        data/real/input-spec.json; 'sample' defaults to
  -o dir, --output_dir dir
                        Directory where the results should be saved.
                        data/output/tmp by default.
  -c csv names, --communities csv names
                        Comma-separated list of communities for which to
                        generate graphs. If not supplied, generates graphs for
                        all communities listed in the community data file.


A suit of unit tests is provided and can be run using

python -m pytest tests/


The 2-Clause BSD License