The OpenJS Foundation Cross Project Council

The OpenJS Foundation Cross Project Council (CPC) is the technical governing body of the OpenJS Foundation. It is described in the CPC Charter

CPC Scope

The CPC's primary role is to foster an environment of collaboration. That environment extends within and between OpenJS Foundation Projects. It also extends between the Projects and the larger community.

The CPC exercises autonomy in managing its responsibilities and seeks agreement from the OpenJS Foundation Board on any change to the scope of those responsibilities.

OpenJS Foundation Projects

The following projects are official OpenJS Foundation projects. If you are interested in bringing your project to the OpenJS Foundation, please read our Project Progression and New Project Application documents, or contact any CPC member with questions.

Impact Projects

Growth Projects

At-Large Projects

Emeritus Projects

Incubating Projects

CPC Meetings

The CPC meets weekly. We publish meeting agendas as issues, and also publish meetings on our calendar. (iCal) (Add to Google Calendar)

CPC members should attend as many meetings as possible, and non-members are welcome to join as observers. To add an item to the agenda, create an issue and add the cross-project-council-agenda label.

CPC Members

Voting Members

Impact Project Representatives

Each Impact Project may appoint 2 representatives to the CPC as outlined in the CPC Charter

Growth & At Large Project Representatives

According to the CPC Charter, each of the Growth, At Large, and Incubating Projects may nominate a candidate to fill one of two voting seats on the CPC which represent this group of projects as a whole. From those nominees, two voting members are chosen via an election process outlined in the CPC Governance.

Elected by Regular Members

According to the CPC Charter, up to two regular members can be elected as voting members. The two regular members elected as voting members are currently:

Regular Members

Anyone who has been active in the foundation or one of its member projects, as described in the CPC Governance may request to become a regular member by opening a PR to add themselves to the list of regular members. Outgoing Voting members automatically become Regular members, although they must remain active to retain their status.


Anyone can be an Observer. Observers are free to attend meetings and participate in the work of the CPC as well as the consensus seeking process. Observers are encouraged to participate and volunteer but should refrain from disrupting or blocking progress. Observers are expected to participate in a positive and collaborative manner as well as following the code of conduct and member expectations like other CPC participants. If an Observer fails to meet these expectations they can be excluded from future CPC meetings based on a standard CPC motion.

Policy Change Proposal Process

The OpenJS CPC is chartered to oversee the technical governance of all OpenJS Projects and Working Groups under the OpenJS Foundation. The CPC establishes the default governance, conduct, and licensing policies for all Projects. Projects have broad powers of self-governance.

Anyone may submit an idea for a policy or program following the staging process.

The pull request can be labeled cross-project-council-agenda to request that it be put on the agenda for the next CPC meeting.

The OpenJS Foundation Board of Directors retains certain rights (especially legal considerations). If the CPC endorses a proposal, they will escalate to the OpenJS Foundation Board of Directors when required to do so.

Communication Channels

CPC discussion generally happens via GitHub issues and during our regular public meetings, which are open to CPC members and observers.

In addition, the OpenJS Foundation maintains a number of mailing lists. Project participants are strongly encouraged to subscribe to the list for technical updates and discussion.

Discussion should be held in the open whenever possible. However, if you need to raise a private concern with the CPC and you feel it is inappropriate for public discussion, you can email the list. Depending upon the circumstances, the CPC may request that you resubmit the issue in a public forum.

Getting Help

Project Resources & Travel Fund

OpenJS Foundation projects and their community members are able to take advantage of several services and benefits, including the Travel Fund Program.

Details can be found in the /project-resources directory.

Help with project infrastructure

In almost all situations, the best way to get support is to email with your request. For example:

  • Requesting DNS changes
  • Adding a project-specific mailing list to
  • Updates to links on
  • Storing/sharing credentials through LastPass
  • Third-party services which require payment (subject to Board approval)

Help with membership

Members of the OpenJS Foundation can email with any questions.

Help with legal questions (for existing projects only)

Projects with questions on relevant legal topics are encouraged to email the legal-questions mailing list. This is a private list, and we will route your question appropriately.

In order to mail this list, you must be subscribed to at least one other OpenJS Foundation mailing list.

Help with press and media

The OpenJS Foundation has marketing staff which can provide guidance on inbound media requests. Please reach out to

If you have project-related news that you wish to share, please contact If you need a place to post your news, Foundation staff can review whether it is appropriate for the OpenJS Foundation blog. If it makes sense, Foundation staff can also include your news in the summaries sent to the projects mailing list, or schedule posts on Foundation social channels.

If you run your project's social media and would like the Foundation to share or retweet project news, please DM the Foundation's account or send an email with a link to

All other topics

For any other topics which aren't covered above, please email