
ecommerce website for project 2

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Artisan Website

Development team:

  1. Sara Nedhal
  2. Kawther Mahfoodh
  3. Ali Abdulla


Multi-shop e-commerce platform tailored specifically for passionate and talented art creators in Bahrain! Our website serves as a dynamic marketplace, offering a vibrant and diverse collection of unique art pieces and products that encapsulate the rich cultural heritage and artistic flair of Bahrain.

Technologies used:

  1. Node.js
  2. Express.js
  3. MongoDB for database (NoSql)
  4. Ejs templates
  5. Bootstrap 5 for frontend


cart page:


products page:


products detail page:


Home Page:

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Screen Shot 2023-12-20 at 8 51 13 AM

Seller Shop:






Home page of Artisan website:

Screen Shot 2023-12-14 at 11 29 13 AM

features of the app/platform

In version 1, the web application has 3 type of users:

  1. Buyer
  2. Seller 3.Admin

Buyer features:

  1. Browse curated collections of Bahraini art.
  2. Add items to a personal cart.
  3. Streamlined checkout process for order placement.

Seller Features:

-Create personalized shops within the platform. -Upload, manage, and list their art products for sale.

Seller View:

Screen Shot 2023-12-14 at 11 29 35 AM Screen Shot 2023-12-14 at 11 30 02 AM

Shopping Cart Page:

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Order Page:

Screen Shot 2023-12-14 at 12 04 45 PM

Favorite features in website

  1. Adding products to cart page: adding products to user cart
  2. Adding shop feature: feature only for seller user type
  3. Adding products in seller shop: feature only for seller user type

difficult feature

  1. Adding products to cart page
  2. navigating new regiestred users to profile page to fill their information before proceeding to home page , or adding new shop page depending on user type (Buyer:Home page, Seller: Adding shop page).

List of unsolved problems

  1. pictures are not uploaded into cloudinary as it is still not configured and step up.
  2. there are some extra data needs to be added to the order functionality, pages and model
  3. Search Feature for browsing products

Future features

  1. Search Feature for browsing shops
  2. Adding reviews for products
  3. My favorite page: adding products to my favorite page