
PostCSS plugin for that changes curse words after ! to !important because why not ?

Primary LanguageJavaScript

PostCSS Caralho Plugin Travis

Coverage Status npm

PostCSS plugin for that changes curse words after ! to !important because why not ?

.foo {
    top: 20px !fuck;
.foo {
    top: 20px !important;

You can also choose from many more options in different languages and all of them will become !important after PostCSS does his/her thing.

Why ?

Idk, mainly boredom and the need to write !caralho or !fuck in every stylesheet I own.

I want to add words !

Awesome ! You can create a PR here: https://github.com/SaraVieira/curse-words and these tests and the ones in https://github.com/SaraVieira/babel-plugin-caralho will be generated automatically 🎉


Install from NPM using:

npm i postcss-caralho --save-dev

Or Yarn:

yarn add postcss-caralho --dev


postcss([ require('postcss-caralho') ])

See PostCSS docs for examples for your environment.


WTFPL – Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License.