
how to check internet using both cubit & bloc

Primary LanguageDart

how to check internet using both cubit & bloc### Screenshot


A list of technologies used within the project:

  • Bloc
  • Equatable
  • connectivity_plus

general info

  • Bloc(cubit) is a state (data) management

Bloc extends cubit , then where is the difference between them? cubit is a apart of bloc, this means it uses the same functionalities as bloc, this is exremenly wrong!!!!, cubit is just the minimal version of Bloc, this means u can use cubit for small apps or functionalities simply because it sends functions to get states but not streams as bloc does.

what is Equatable, why do we use it with bloc? it's a package that used to compare objects in DART, this means : if two objects are the same instance it returns true , for that if we wanna compare variables we need to put theme inside List get props => [variable];, in this case only variables would be compared, if u did not put them inside it it will compare only objects. check out this code

import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart';

class TestEquatable extends Equatable{
  final String name;
  const TestEquatable(this.name);
  List<Object?> get props =>[];
void main(){

the result here will be : true why? simply because u did not add 'name' to be compared, u just compared instances .

u have to add 'name' inside to be compared

List<Object?> get props =>[name];