
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Problem Domain

This is the 3rd part part of a 4-Phase build of the storefront application. In this first phase, I setup the basic scaffolding of the application with initial styling and behaviors. I organized the file structure and state management so that the application can be expanded upon in a scalable manner. In phase 2, I implemented the the “Add to Cart” feature, which allows the user to select products and have them persist in their “shopping cart” for later purchase. In phase 3, I connect my application to a live server.

User Stories

As a user, I expect to see a list of available product categories in the store so that I can easily browse products

As a user, I want to choose a category and see a list of all available products matching that category

As a user, I want a clean, easy to use user interface so that I can shop the online store with confidence

As a user, I want to choose from products in the list and add them to my shopping cart

As a user, I want to see the products that I’ve added to my shopping cart

As a user, I want to change the quantity of items I intend to purchase in my shopping cart

As a user, I want to be able to remove an item from my shopping cart

As a user, I want to interact with live inventory so that I have confidence that the displayed products are in stock

As a user, I want to know to that when I add an item to my cart, that it is removed from inventory so that no other users can purchase it


  • Create a visually appealing site using Material UI

  • Use a Redux Store to manage the state of categories and items in the store

  • Display a list of categories from state

  • When the user selects (clicks on) a category … Identify that category as selected (change of class/display) Show a list of products associated with the category

  • Begin with creating your application using create-react-app

  • Install Material UI as a dependency

  • Write an App component that serves as the container for all sub-components of this application

  • Load the category and product list from a remote API on page load.

  • Update the product quantity in stock when adding items to (or removing from) the cart

  • Continue to use multiple reducers


This server was initally constructed in class with the help of my fellow classmates, but it was not fully functional. I refactored the server and completed the routes and models so that it was able to connect to the front-end and process requests from the client.