
A light-hearted take on a request bin, generating custom endpoints for aggregating and viewing webhook data, using Node, Express, and React, with MongoDB and PostgreSQL databases.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Request Bin Backend

Install Request Bin

download the code by cloning the repository

git clone https://github.com/alison-martinez/requestbin

also download the frontend by cloning the repository

git clone https://github.com/ChelseaSaunders/requestbin_frontend

Create and initialize database

Initializing the PSQL database

createdb endpoints
psql -d endpoints < schema.sql

Set up environment file with database information

to ensure that this connects correctly add the file .env to the requestbin folder this file will have the following content:

PORT = 4000
MONGODB_URI= "##URI from setting up Mongo database"

PG_DATABASE: endpoints

Starting Request Bin Backend

enter into the respository, download dependancies, and run the applciation

cd requestbin
npm install
npm start