
We don't want to keep your profile within fullstack-challenges because we want to version it with git as a separate project. So let's copy your profile as an independent folder and jump into it:

cd ~/code/<user.github_nickname>/fullstack-challenges/04-Front-End/01-HTML-and-CSS/04-Responsive-profile
cp -r profile ~/code/<user.github_nickname>
cd ~/code/<user.github_nickname>/profile

Create the GitHub repo

You can init(ialize) a git repository and commit your changes:

git init
git add .
git commit -m "my profile page"

Then we will use the GitHub CLI (command line interface) to create the associated GitHub repo. The GitHub CLI allows you to interact with GitHub through your terminal.

Use gh interactive mode

gh repo create # this launches an interactive mode to create the GitHub repo

You will be asked to answer few questions regarding how you wish to create your repository on GitHub:

What would you like to do? Select Push an existing local repository to GitHub, since you've already created your local repository with git init.

Path to local repository (.) Press ENTER so it selects the default option (.) which is the current folder.

Repository name (profile) Press ENTER to select the default option (profile) which is the name of the current folder. If you want your GitHub repository to have a different name, type it in before pressing ENTER.

Description Press ENTER to leave it empty for now. If you want to give your repository a description which will appear on GitHub, type it in before pressing ENTER.

Visibility Select Public and press ENTER so that your repository is visible by everyone.

Add a remote? (Y/n) Type Y, then press ENTER. Adding a remote is going add a link to your GitHub repository in your local git repository, so you can push your code to GitHub via git.

What should the new remote be called? (origin) Press ENTER to keep the default option (origin) which is the standard name of the main remote.

Would you like to push commits from the current branch to the "origin"? (Y/n) Type Y, then press ENTER to push your commits from your local git repository to your newly created GitHub repo.

Use gh single-line command

If you wish to create a public repository with a single-line command instead, then you can just use the following command:

gh repo create --public --source=.

With gh, you can also open a GitHub repo in your browser from your terminal:

gh repo view --web

You can find more information about gh in the dedicated cheatsheet.

GitHub Pages

GitHub Pages is a GitHub service that makes it easy to deploy any static website in 10 seconds (static == same content for all users). It is based on a "magic" branch, called gh-pages. When GitHub detects this branch, it puts your website online. Awesome right? Let's create this magic branch and push it. ✨🌿✨

git co -b gh-pages
git push origin gh-pages # we push the gh-pages branch, not master!

Now you can visit the URL http://<user.github_nickname> (this is the URL built automatically by GitHub) and have a look at your masterpiece online! Share the link on Slack with your buddies.

From now and until the end of the day, you can keep working in your ~/code/<user.github_nickname>/profile directory AND on the gh-pages branch. This means any updates of your profile can be pushed on http://<user.github_nickname> through usual git commands:

git add .
git commit -m "make my profile prettier"
git push origin gh-pages

Submit your code to Kitt

As you weren't working in the fullstack-challenges folder, your work hasn't been submitted on Kitt. If you want to mark this challenge as complete on Kitt you can do the following:

cd ~/code/<user.github_nickname>/fullstack-challenges/04-Front-End/01-HTML-and-CSS/05-Push-on-Github-Pages
cp -r ~/code/<user.github_nickname>/profile .
rm -rf profile/.git
git add .
git commit -m "Submitting my work to Kitt"
git push origin master