
A pipelined RISC-V processor with realistic memory system built in Minispec hardware description language and Assembly, with quicksort algorithm optimized for performance on it. MIT 6.191 (6.004) Final Project Fall 2022.

Primary LanguageC

An optimized RISC-V processor

A pipelined RISC-V processor with realistic memory system built in Minispec hardware description language and Assembly, with quicksort algorithm optimized for performance on it. Completed as a final project in MIT 6.191 (6.004) Fall 2022.


  • Processor has a real memory system with specialized instruction and data caches. Instruction cache uses a direct mapped cache while data cache uses a two-way cache.
  • Processor uses a 4-stage pipeline with data bypassing following the state-transition diagram below: State-transition diagram of pipelined processor
  • Quicksort algorithm written in Assembly includes Hoare partitioning, tail call elimination, loop-invariant code motion, and strategically ordered code to minimize stalling in the processor's pipeline. Results in >50% faster performance
  • Implementation of carry-select adder for faster ALU add operations
  • In total, the optimizations lead to a >40% faster runtime and CPI (cycles per instruction) for the processor compared to a single cycle version of it


  1. Minispec is a custom verson of Bluespec System Verilog
  2. All relevant files are in /src. Key files for processor functionality are Processor.ms, Decode.ms, Execute.ms, ALU.ms, CacheHelpers.ms, DirectMappedCache.ms, TwoWayCache.ms. Sorting code in is in /src/sw/sort/sort.S.