User Meal Planner is an Angular-based application that helps users plan, track, and order meals based on their preferences. This application provides a convenient and user-friendly way to manage meals and groceries, allowing users to sign up, log in, browse meals, add them to a cart, and proceed to checkout. Additionally, there is an admin dashboard to create ingredients and meals with these ingredients.
The MealPlanner Managment System has two Roles Like admin
, and user
- Authuntication
- Roles and Perimissions
- Total Revenue of each user orders
- Chart Statistics
- Stripe Payment
- Meal browsing: Users can view a list of available meals.
- Cart management: Users can add meals to their cart and manage the items in the cart.
To install and run User Meal Planner locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
-git clone - cd MealPlanner
- cd backend - cp .env-example .env - npm install
Run Back-End Servernodemon main.js
- cd frontend - npm install - ng serve -o
The following technologies were used in the development of User Meal Planner:
- Angular: A front-end web application framework used for building the user interface.
- Node.js: A JavaScript runtime used for server-side development.
- MongoDB: A NoSQL database used for storing and retrieving data efficiently.
- Stripe: A payment processing platform used for secure and seamless payment transactions.
- Express.js: A web application framework for Node.js used for building the server-side application and APIs.
- TypeScript: A typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript for improved developer productivity and code quality.
- Bootstrap: A popular CSS framework used for responsive and mobile-first web development.
POST | /api/user/signup |
Register |
POST | /api/user/login |
login |
PUT | /api/user/update-data |
Update data |
PUT | /api/user/ |
Get all users |
DELETE | /api/user/:id |
Delete a user by ID |
POST | /api/stripe/ |
Make a payment |
GET | /api/meals/ |
Get All Meals |
PUT | /api/meals/:id |
Get meal by ID |
GET | /api/meals/search/:key |
Search for a meal by keyword |
POST | /api/meals/:id |
Add a new rating for a meal |
DELETE | /api/meals/:id |
Delete Meal By ID |
POST | /api/meals/ |
Add a new meal |
PUT | /api/meals/:id |
Edit a meal |
GET | /api/orders/ |
Get all orders |
POST | /api/orders/ |
Create a new order |
GET | /api/orders/:id |
Get an order by ID |
PUT | /api/orders/:id |
Update the status of an order |
GET | /api/ingredient/ |
Get all ingredients |
POST | /api/ingredient/ |
Create a new ingredient |
GET | /api/ingredient/:id |
Get an ingredient by ID |
PUT | /api/ingredient/:id |
Update an ingredient |
DELETE | /api/ingredient/:id |
Delete an ingredient |
POST | /api/cart/:id |
Add an item to the cart |
GET | /api/cart/:id |
Get the user's cart |