
Our Senior Design project For FellowsConsultingGroup

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



  1. Must be using Windows 10 and have Python 3.7 installed

  2. Make sure no other python version is installed on system, must only contain Python 3.7

    • Make Sure Python is properly added to the user and system variables path
      • User Path - C:\Python37, C:\Python37\Scripts
      • System Path - C:\Python37, C:\Python37\Scripts
  3. This project uses the Flair framework, so read through all documentation here for installing the pre-req python packages

  4. This project also uses several other dependencies such as MongoDB, and GraphViz, so install the Mongo server and GraphViz choose the msi option

    • Make sure Mongo is added to User path as well
      • User Path - C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.2\bin
    • Make sure GraphViz path is in both User and System path
      • User Path - C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin
      • System Path - C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin
  5. Clone this repo https://github.com/SaranSundar/ActiveWindowListener

  6. Navigate into it and run rm -rf dist/ build/

    • Navigate into react-ui and run npm install and then navigate back
  7. Make sure you install all the pip modules listed in setup.py under OPTIONS.packages such as

'packages': ['flask', 'werkzeug', 'jinja2', 'gevent', 'geventwebsocket', 'flask_cors', 'pynput', 'pymongo', 'graphviz', 'pymongo', 'Pillow', 'pynput']
  1. Then try building the exe by running sh create_windows_exe.sh
  2. You can then navigate into the dist/flair folder and run ./fair.exe in git bash if the previous step said the exe was built successfully
  3. Once the build command was run you can also run flair.py from the root of the project to debug any errors
  4. Optionally you can also run app.py on its own, and then npm start in the react-ui folder to test the backend and front end separately without having to compile them together into a exe