
The HR-Analytics Attendance Dashboard uses Power Query, DAX Query and Power BI to analyze employee attendance data and provide insights into attendance patterns. The data is cleaned and transformed using Power Query and DAX Query. A dashboard is created with visualizations, measures, filters, and slicers to help HR identify areas for improvement.


This project showcases the use of Power Query and DAX Query to analyze employee attendance data, add new measures and columns, and create a dashboard using Power BI. The goal is to provide insights into attendance patterns and identify areas for improvement for HR.

Tools Used

  • Power BI
  • Power Query
  • Dax Query
  • Data modeling

Cleaning and Analyzing using Power Query

  • Open Excel and connect to your employee attendance data
  • Use Power Query to clean and transform the data
  • Create a copy template for one sheet in Power Query transformations and apply the same transformations to all sheets
  • Apply all necessary cleaning steps, such as removing duplicates, renaming columns, and changing data types
  • Create a parameter to select the desired data based on a specific condition
  • Encapsulate all steps into a function to be reused for future sheets and data
  • Load and Apply the cleaned data into Power BI

Exploring and Manipulate Some Data Using DAX Query

  • With DAX Query, we can effectively manipulate and analyze the data to provide insights for visulization and identify areas for improvement for HR.
  • Create Measures and columns Using DAX functions such as count, sum, calculate, if, switch, divide and Date-time function for exploring some clean data for improve dashboard KPI in PowerBI.

Power BI Dashboard Visualization

  • Design the dashboard layout
  • Create a measure table to aggregate and display the data using Dax functions
  • Use Visulizations for charts and filters for filter dashboard
  • Now, Add Title HR Dashboard
  • Add Month column as Slicer and add some informative KPI.
  • Add Card chart, Pie chart, Line chart, Table chart, Matrix chart, Area chart etc


Download The File and Open In Power BI Desktop for Interactive Viewing.

View Screenshots of the Dashboard in PDF format.

View Photos of Dashboard and excel analysis.

  • Note: The PowerBI online publishing link isn't available right now because of subscription issues. I'll add that online link soon, so anyone can open it and interact with it.