
Little python script to analyse output of a net

Primary LanguagePython


Little python script to analyse output of a net


from validation import Validation
validation = Validation('path_df/file.csv', 'path_image_folder')
validation.report('path_save/name.pdf', 'My personnel report on Mnist')

To get a pdf file not too heavy, you can control the number of exemple taken :

from validation import Validation
validation = Validation('path_df/file.csv', 'path_image_folder')
validation.report('path_save/name.pdf', 'My personnel report on Mnist', nb_sample = 150)

If you want to not have the same exemple sampled you can add :

from validation import Validation
validation = Validation('path_df/file.csv', 'path_image_folder')
validation.report('path_save/name.pdf', 'My personnel report on Mnist', nb_sample = 150, randomize = True)

DataFrame structure

file y_true class_1 class_2 class_3
0 class_1.png 1 0.84 0.10 0.06
1 class_2.png 2 0.75 0.05 0.20
2 class_3.png 3 0.10 0.10 0.80

Support multi-image classification

If not precised, file name column label MUST start with 'file'. Else, you can precise it by giving the list of file labels with the argument x_name

file_0 file_1 y_true class_1 class_2 class_3
0 class_1_x20.png class_1_x10.png 1 0.84 0.10 0.06
1 class_2_x20.png class_2_x10.png 2 0.75 0.05 0.20
2 class_3_x20.png class_3_x10.png 3 0.10 0.10 0.80


from validation import Validation
validation = Validation('path_df/file.csv', 'path_image_folder', x_name = ['file_0', 'file_1'])
validation.report('path_save/name.pdf', 'My personnel report on Mnist')
WARNING: Classes order is important