
Online quiz application made with MERN-stack.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

QuizApp-- Visit the website:--https://stupendous-zuccutto-e36f16.netlify.app

About: This is a simple online quiz application made with MERN-stack. It is fully responsive. User should be able to take tests after providing his information. User should be able to take each test only once.


Front-End: The front-end is developed using HTML5 , CSS3 and React (a modern javascript-framework). React-Router-DOM is used for navigating between different view of the SPA. context is used for to pass data or state through the component .

Back-End: The backend is developed in Nodejs (a javascript runtime envionment), ExpressJS (a minimalistic web framework) and MongoDB (as a database). Mongoose(Object-Document-Mapper) is used to help writing queries for CRUD operations in JS as an alternative to NoSQL. JWT(Javascript web token) authorization is used to authorize access to protected endpoints. The backend is responsible for serving both the front-end and the back-end.

Connecting Front-End with Back-End: Axios a promise based http library is used to connect the front-end and the backend.