The country API

The country API provides you information about countries from all over the world. You can use it in your own projects. It is free and open source.

See the API's documentation.

Technologies used

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • MongoDB with Mongoose

How to use it

System Requirements

  • Globally installed Node
  • Globally installed MongoDB (optionl)


On the command prompt run the following commands

git clone

cd countries_api

npm install

node src

Please Note :

  • Create a file called .env in the root folder.
  • Then copy and paste content in the .env.example file.
  • Replace the value with yours

Connect to the database

  • You can either use local database or create a new database in moongoDB atlas. if you want to use atlas database then replace the mongo uri with your own in .env file.

Add data to the database

  • Run the following command to add data to the database
node src

Open the browser and go to

Copy the data and follow the instructions.

Open postman and hit the following url : 

    url : "http://localhost:2222/api/v2/country"

    method: "POST"

    body: {
        "array": the copied data // willbe [{},{},{}]

Directory structure


You can customize the src directory.

├─ api/
│  ├─ country/
│  │  ├─ controller.js
│  │  ├─ index.js
│  │  ├─ model.js
│  └─ index.js
├─ services/
│  ├─ express/
│  ├─ mongoose/
│  └─ response/
├─ app.js
├─ config.js
└─ index.js

Available endpoints

  • GET /api/v2/country/all

  • GET /api/v2/country?name={name}

  • GET /api/v2/country/flag?name={IN}&size={128} size is optional and default is 32, you can use size=128, size=64, size=48, size=32, size=24, size=16

  • POST /api/v2/country

  • POST /api/v2/country/update

  • See the API's documentation.

Data sources