# Create NFS server
oc create -f nfs-server.yaml

# Create a NFS service on top of the NFS server
oc create -f nfs_service.yaml
// Note down the IP address of the NFS service

# Create the storageclass
oc create -f nfs_storageclass.yaml

# Patch the storage class as default
oc patch storageclass nfs-server  -p '{"metadata": {"annotations": {"storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class": "true"}}}'

# Patch any other storage class which are set as default to "false"
oc patch storageclass <other storage class> -p '{"metadata": {"annotations": {"storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class": "false"}}}'

# Create a PV
oc create -f nfs_pv.yaml
// server: <Updated to nfs service IP address created above>

# Create a PVC
oc create -f nfs_pvc.yaml

# Create  a app accessing the PVC
oc create -f nfs_busybox.yaml

# Verify NFS mount
oc rsh po/<busybox podname> 
 # mount | grep nfs