Week-1 Task


This project provides deployment instructions for both monolithic and microservices architectures using AWS EC2 instances. The application consists of WordPress and MySQL, and it is deployed on t2-micro instances with the Ubuntu AMI.

Monolithic Architecture

  1. EC2 Instance: 1 t2-micro instance
  2. Deployment: WordPress and MySQL are deployed on the same instance.

Microservices Architecture

  1. EC2 Instances: 2 t2-micro instances
    • Instance 1: WordPress
    • Instance 2: MySQL


  1. AWS Account
  2. EC2 Key Pair
  3. Security Groups

Monolithic Deployment

  1. Launch an EC2 instance with the t2-micro type and the ubuntu-* AMI.
  2. Configure Security Group with the necessary rules.
  3. SSH into the instance and deploy WordPress and MySQL.

Microservices Deployment

  1. Launch two EC2 instances with the t2-micro type and the ubuntu-* AMI.
  2. Configure Security Groups with the necessary rules.
  3. SSH into each instance:
    • On the WordPress instance, deploy WordPress.
    • On the MySQL instance, deploy MySQL.

Welcome Page

Once the deployment is complete, access the welcome page using the public IP or domain of your instance.


Don't forget to terminate your EC2 instances to avoid unnecessary charges.


Monolithic Architecture: Pros: Simplicity, easier to manage. Cons: Scalability challenges, single point of failure.

Microservices Architecture: Pros: Scalability, fault isolation. Cons: Increased complexity, potential communication overhead. Choose the architecture that best fits your application's requirements. Monolithic may be simpler for smaller projects, while microservices provide more flexibility for larger and scalable applications.