
Collection of Aliases used for the Avrae 5e Discord bot. Used in the CWM Discord server.

CWM Discord Server Avrae Collection

This is an organized index of the server commands for the CWM Discord Server. You can use the above folders to find commands.

For a general Avrae tutorial please go to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TWWL6Wy-jxQCLsqf_2ttFR6UuLDswWuL41zcX5MHhoE/edit

If you have any suggestions please make them at https://goo.gl/forms/tSsKgR8BbOpTbfMg2

Short Description of Each Category:

  • Classes - Contains subfolders for each of the 12 Classes for DnD and alises for them that are used in CWM
  • DM Commands - Contains aliases used by our dungeon masters
  • Game Commands - Contains commonly used aliases such as actions, items, and stat changing commands like heal and hit dice
  • Server Commands - Contains shortcut aliases used for CWM
  • Silly Commands - Contains miscellaneous commands

Master List

  • Classes

    • Barbarian
      • brutal
      • rage
    • Bard
      • inspire
      • songofrest
    • Cleric
      • channel
    • Druid
    • Fighter
      • action
      • secondwind
      • indom
      • Samurai
        • spirit
    • Monk
      • ki
      • flurry
      • patient
      • windstep
      • deflect
      • empty
    • Paladin
      • divinesense
      • layonhands
      • smite
      • channel
      • pld_aura
    • Ranger
    • Rogue
      • strokeofluck
    • Sorcerer
    • Warlock
      • eldritchmaster
      • Hexblade
        • hexcurse
    • Wizard
  • Game Commands

    • heal
    • hitdice
    • hproll
    • level
    • rhitdie
    • money
    • inv
    • Actions
      • grapple
      • overrun
      • potion
      • prone
      • push
      • ram
      • scroll
      • shove
      • tumble
      • jump
  • Spells

    • Cantrips
      • toll
    • Level 3 Spells
      • counterspell
    • Level 5 Spells
      • bigby
  • Races

    • Eladrin
      • feystep
  • DM Commands

    • dmfeedback
    • gold
    • loot
    • weather
  • Server Commands

    • sgold
    • alias_form
    • alias_list
    • convert
    • newchar
  • Silly Commands

    • backstory
    • banhammer
    • banhammer2
    • boop