
Experimental robot 9000 for discord

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An experimental Robot 9000 for Discord. Currently supports tracking and deleting duplicate messages, clearing specific channels after a given time, and responding to specific trigger phrases.


Note: requires node.js v8.

First, go to the Discord developer documentation, create an app and get your token.

export DISCORD_TOKEN=<token>
npm install
node index.js

To add the bot to your server, insert the client ID into this URL https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=CLIENT_ID_GOES_HERE&scope=bot&permissions=0 and paste it into your browser of choice.

The bot as it is currently has a lot of things tuned to my personal discord server, which I plan to refactor away at some point, in the mean time, you will probably need to head into the code and take these out if they end up annoying you.


addMessage(trigger, callback)


A The trigger can be one of the following types:

  • String The callback will be triggered if the message matches the String exactly
  • RegExp If the message matches the RegExp, the callback will be triggered, the callback argument will include the list of matches returned by String.match()
  • Array All array elements are treated as separate triggers


A function that will be called if the trigger is matched.

The callback has one argument, an object containing the following fields:

  • user the user that triggered this event
  • userId that users, id
  • channelId the id of the channel
  • message the message that triggered this event
  • matches any matches if the trigger was a regular expression
  • event the full event from discord.io that triggered this event
  • bot this discord.io client object, can be used to respond asynchronously

If the callback returns a String, it will be sent as a message to the channel this event was triggered from. If you want to respond to an event asynchronously, you can use the bot object to send a message.

addMessage('!someTrigger', (opts) => {
  returnsAPromise().then(result => opts.bot.sendMessage({
    message: result,
    to: opts.channelId,

Further reading

See the Discord developer docs, or the docs for discord.io, the library that powers this bot.