
Udacity's Flying Car & Autonomous Vehicles nanodegree second project submission

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Project: 3D Motion Planning by

All That I Do

Required Steps for a Passing Submission:

  1. Load the 2.5D map in the colliders.csv file describing the environment.
  2. Discretize the environment into a grid or graph representation.
  3. Define the start and goal locations.
  4. Perform a search using A* or other search algorithm.
  5. Use a collinearity test or ray tracing method (like Bresenham) to remove unnecessary waypoints.
  6. Return waypoints in local ECEF coordinates (format for self.all_waypoints is [N, E, altitude, heading], where the drone’s start location corresponds to [0, 0, 0, 0].
  7. Write it up.
  8. Congratulations! Your Done!

Rubric Points


The code walkthrough's are available at the below links :

The grid representation of the 2.5D map and the path generated by the A* algorithm is as below :

a star motion planning

And here is a short demo of the drone flying through the simulator :

drone demo

The full simulatoin video can be found at Youtube