Reducing the Noise-to-Signal Ratio to Improve the Robustness of DNN

This work was conducted at the Department of Computer Science, University of Miami. If you find our codes useful, we kindly ask you to cite our work:

Ma, Linhai, and Liang Liang. "Improve robustness of DNN for ECG signal classification: a noise-to-signal ratio perspective." ICLR 2020 workshop AI for Affordable Health.

L. Ma and L. Liang, "Enhance CNN Robustness Against Noises for Classification of 12-Lead ECG with Variable Length," 2020 19th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), 2020, pp. 839-846, doi: 10.1109/ICMLA51294.2020.00137.

Ma, Linhai, and Liang Liang. "A regularization method to improve adversarial robustness of neural networks for ECG signal classification." Computers in Biology and Medicine (2022): 105345.

Keywords: ECG classification, deep neural network, adversarial robustness, adversarial noises


Python version==3.8.3; Pytorch version==1.5.0; Operation system: CentOS 7. Kernel version: is 3.10.0-1062.1.2.el7.x86_64.

For PhysioNet's MIT-BIH:

Download data from Put the csv files at /ecg/ and run

For CPSC2018:

Prepare dataset:

Download data from Put the *.mat and *.csv files at "data/CPSC2018/train/" and run

Training and evaluation:

Run "" for the result of "NSR" in the paper. Run "" for the result of "jacob" in the paper. Run "" for the result of "CE" in the paper. Run "" for the result of "advls_$\epsilon$" in the paper.

The parameters can be set in the corresponding .py files and the detailed explaination can be found in the paper.


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