Creating apps by following good coding practices from LetsBuildThatApp tutorials online!
An introduction to AutoLayouts entirely programmatically instead of using storyboards
Link to this👈🏼 tutorial
- How to easily anchor elements onto the screen relative to other items
- How to handle landscape orientation
- Anchoring on UIViewController's safe areas using layout guides
- Page scrolling behaviour
- Implementing MVC architecture pattern
A tutorial for how to build out the YouTube application for iOS.
Link to this👈🏼 tutorial
- Custom layouts for UICollectionViewControllers
- Custom navigation bars
- Custom MenuBar
- MVC strucuring
Learn how to make expanding cells in iOS collection views
Link to this👈🏼 tutorial
- Custom CollectionViewCell
- Animations
- Scaling Cells
- Smooth Scrolling
- Tap to select cell
Simple project that takes an input text and turns that into speech.
AVSpeechUtterance(string: textField.text!)
AVSpeechSynthesisVoice(language: "en-EN")