calculate.pi// Returns PI (3.141592653589793)calculate.e// Returns Eulner's number (2.718281828459045)
calculate.ratio(x,y,width)//return height is --- on ratio x:ycalculate.percentage(x,y)// return percentage of x in y.calculate.add(x,y)// Returns the sum of x added to y.calculate.subtract(x,y)// Returns the differente of y subtracted to x.calculate.multiply(x,y)// Returns the product of x multiplied by y.calculate.divide(x,y)// Returns the quotient of x divided by y. WARNING: If the divisor is set to 0, an error will be thrown.calculate.modulation(x,y)// Returns the remainder of x divided by y. WARNING: If the divisor is set to 0, an error will be thrown.calculate.elevate(x,y)// Returns the power of x elevated to y.calculate.sqrt(x)// Returns the square root of x.