Data Science Capstone Project

Mohammad Sarosh Basit

September 10, 2019

This repository contains my submission to Data Science Capstone Project offered by John Hopkins University on Coursera.

Course Dataset

The training data set listed below will be used to get started and will be the basis for most of the capstone.

Milestone Report

Week 2 of the Data Science Capstone project covers Exploratory Data Analysis and Modeling. The goal is to develop an understanding of the various statistical properties of the data set that can be later used when building the prediction model for the final data product.

At the end of week 2, students are asked to create a Milestone Report that includes a description of the major features of the training data based on our exploratory data analysis and to summarize our plans for creating the text predictive model.


Final Project Submission

The goal for this final project assignment is to implement a learning model for text prediction. Using the text prediction algorithm, create a product in Shiny that provides a user interface that can be accessed by users.

This repository contains the ui.R and server.R source code files for the developed Shiny application as well as the RStudio Presenter files.

The Shiny application is hosted on and the Presentation (slides) are available on RPubs.
