
The Sparks Foundation

Data Science and Business Analytics Intern


● Prediction using Supervised ML ● Predict the percentage of an student based on the no. of study hours. ● This is a simple linear regression task as it involves just 2 variables.

● Data can be found at http://bit.ly/w-data

● What will be predicted score if a student studies for 9.25 hrs/ day?

● Linkedin Post with explanation : https://www.linkedin.com/posts/mohammad-sarosh-basit-8657791a5_thesparksfoundation-gripjan21-datascience-activity-6756919532708790272-EYty


● Prediction using Unsupervised ML ● From the given ‘Iris’ dataset, predict the optimum number of clusters and represent it visually.

● Dataset : https://bit.ly/3kXTdox

● Linkedin Post with explanation : https://www.linkedin.com/posts/mohammad-sarosh-basit-8657791a5_thesparksfoundation-gripjan21-datascience-activity-6757103595553906688--iH1


● Exploratory Data Analysis - Retail ● As a business manager, try to find out the weak areas where you can work to make more profit.

● Dataset: https://bit.ly/3i4rbWl

● What all business problems you can derive by exploring the data?

● Linkedin Post with explanation : https://www.linkedin.com/posts/mohammad-sarosh-basit-8657791a5_thesparksfoundation-gripjan21-datascience-activity-6757346911587483648-k7e2


● Perform ‘Exploratory Data Analysis’ on dataset ‘Global Terrorism’ ● As a security/defense analyst, try to find out the hot zone of terrorism.

● Dataset: https://bit.ly/2TK5Xn5

● What all security issues and insights you can derive by EDA?

● Linkedin Post with explanation : https://www.linkedin.com/posts/mohammad-sarosh-basit-8657791a5_thesparksfoundation-gripjan21-data-activity-6757652644317188096-DnDU


● Perform ‘Exploratory Data Analysis’ on dataset ‘Indian Premier League’ ● As a sports analysts, find out the most successful teams, players and factors contributing win or loss of a team.

● Dataset: https://bit.ly/34SRn3b

● Suggest teams or players a company should endorse for its products.

● Linkedin Post with explanation : https://www.linkedin.com/posts/mohammad-sarosh-basit-8657791a5_thesparksfoundation-gripjan21-datascience-activity-6758047933616193536-AnqY