This tool creates Nextcloud users from a CSV file, which you exported from some other software or created with a spreadsheet software.
Zip file with an executable for Windows is available here: - If you have a Python3 environment with all the dependencies/modules installed, you can run the script without the build of course.
Download and extract the zip-file from
Insert data:
- config.xml: Insert your cloud-admin credentials into file config.xml. The user must have admin permissions in your Nextcloud.
- users.csv: Insert the user data into the file users.csv or recreate it with the same columns in a spreadsheet software.
Start the tool:
- Windows: doubleclick nc-userimporter.exe.
- Linux / Mac: install all dependencies ( and run: python3
- Troubleshooting: Make sure the file is executable ( /
Follow the interactive commandline instructions. Check output.log ("output"-folder in script-directory) and your user overview in Nextcloud.
Screenshot output:
- improve documentation of features
- refactoring / clean code
Open features, not yet implemented (help appreciated):
- read config from CLI-input if config-file is empty; update config.xml with input values?
- ask if users exists first:
- add other userdata
- delete users