Upadpro Software & Services Pvt. Ltd.

AI/ML Developer Task - ChatBot

This repository contains the code for an interactive chatbot application that allows users to upload PDF files, extract text from PDFs, parse text from URLs, and engage in a chat conversation with the chatbot. This task is provided by Upadpro Software & Services Pvt. Ltd.

Demo Video



  • PDF Text Extraction: Users can upload PDF files, and the application extracts text from the uploaded PDF using PyPDF2.

  • URL Text Parsing: Users can input a URL, and the application parses the text content from the provided URL using BeautifulSoup.

  • Chatbot Integration: The application incorporates a chatbot powered by LlamaIndex. Users can interact with the chatbot and ask questions related to the extracted text.

  • Multi-App Structure: The project is organized using a multi-app structure, allowing users to choose between different functionalities (PDF, URL, ChatBot) using Streamlit.

Folder Structure

  • extract_text.py: Contains the PDFTextExtractor class responsible for extracting text from PDFs and saving it to a text file.

  • chatbot.py: Implements the chatbot functionality using LlamaIndex and Streamlit's chat components.

  • pdfinput.py: Defines the Streamlit app for handling PDF file uploads, text extraction, and interaction with the chatbot.

  • urlinput.py: Implements the Streamlit app for URL input, text extraction from URLs, and interaction with the chatbot.

  • app.py: Orchestrates the multi-app structure, allowing users to choose between PDF, URL, and ChatBot functionalities.

  • Data: Contain Sample pdf files for pdfinput.py


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone https://github.com/Sarthak-1408/Upadpro-AI-Developer-Task.git
    cd Upadpro-AI-Developer-Task
  2. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run the application:

    streamlit run app.py
  4. Open your web browser and navigate to the provided local URL.


  • streamlit
  • PyPDF2
  • beautifulsoup4
  • llama_index