
This task is an implementation of reverse proxy in golang using echo framework.

The authorization is done through JWT. The db used is mongodb.

The verification of user and generation of token is in Auth service. Endpoint: /auth

The user service has two end points: /user/profile that is a secured one and /service/name which is not secured that is it can be accessed without being authorized.

The proxy service acts as a reverse proxy for these two services.

How does it all work

Make all the three servers running by:

go run main.go (Inside Auth folder): This server runs on :1324 port
go run main.go (Inside User folder): This server runs on :1325 port
go run main.go (Inside Proxy folder): This server runs on :1323 port

From POSTMAN, try hitting these endpoints with these instructions

GET localhost:1323/auth :- Set the header as (Username: string) where string is the name of the user that has to be verified. 

You will recieve a token upon a successful verification. The token has the name of the user encoded.

GET localhost:1323/user/profile :-  Send the token recieved above as the bearer token and send the request, for getting details of the user. 

If the token is valid then the user details will be returned.

GET localhost:1323/service/name :- You will recieve the name of the microservice upon hitting this endpoint.