Cyware Assignment


The project contains all the files as was asked in the assignment provided.

  • Q1: Dockerfile, docker-compose.yml and Jenkinsfile
  • Q2: For the first problem of Q2 the solution file is and for the second problem, the solution is
For running the scripts and use command: python3 and python3 

Question 1

  • Created a docker image for a simple html app.
  • Added self signed ssl certificate.
  • Created a docker compose file to automatically build and run the application.
  • Jenkinsfile which could be integrated with the github and can be configured to trigger build of docker image, unit testing and pushing of docker image to Dockerhub/ECR/ACR.

  • I think with the inclusion of right set of unit tests for the application, we will be good to go for the first deployment in the production environment.

Question 2

  • Both the questions completed and tested with the sample csv file provided.

Note: Please keep the csv file in the same folder as the solution scripts.