In the last years, the spread of computers and the Internet caused a significant amount of documents to be available in digital format. Collecting them in digital repositories raised problems that go beyond simple acquisition issues, and cause the need to organize and classify them in order to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the retrieval procedure. The success of such a process is tightly related to the ability of understanding the semantics of the document components and content. Since the obvious solution of manually creating and maintaining an updated index is clearly infeasible, due to the huge amount of data under consideration, there is a strong interest in methods that can provide solutions for automatically acquiring such a knowledge.
sudo apt-get install python-imaging
sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr sudo apt-get install python-opencv
- First process the image
python test.jpg text.jpg
2.Extract text
4 WkiJre €99 Bread
A good, basic white bread.
I. 21/2 cups lukewarm water 2 packages dry yeast 1/4 cup honey 1 cup dry mile 2 eggs, beaten 4 cups unbleached white flour
II. 4 teaspoons salt 1/3 cup butter or margarine 3 caps or inore unbleached white flour for forming the dough 1 cup (approx.) white flour for kneadian
Proceed with the directions for recipe #1, adding the beaten eggs afte stirring in the dry milk.