
x86 CIL compiler made in C#.

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


NativeCIL is a CIL bytecode to native code compiler, written in C#. It originated as a better rewrite of CS2ASM. Unlike most other compilers, especially IL2CPU, NativeCIL implements its own IR which will allow for IR optimizations and also having the bytecode compiled to other architectures as well, with not much effort.



  • yasm (for assembling x86 code)


  • DiscUtils (for making the bootable image)
  • dnlib (for reading the CIL bytecode instructions)


NativeCIL --architecture <i386,amd64> --format <bin,elf> --image <none,iso> --output <output> <input>

NativeCIL -a<i386,amd64> -f<bin,elf> -t<none,iso> -o<output> <input>


./NativeCIL -aamd64 -felf -tiso -ooutput.iso TestProject.dll

Try it out!

After you've compiled your program as a bootable image file, you may want to try it on bare metal now. If that isn't possible, you can try it out in a VM. Here's an example with QEMU:

qemu-system-x86_64 -cdrom output.iso