
We aim to build community to learn and grow with us. This challenge will allow beginners to learn MERN stack from the very basics. Go through README for complete info

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Welcome to 100-days-of-code! We are glad that you registered for it! This is not only for us to learn code , but also to create a community of devs who are starting from zero to hero. If you are in this page you should have recieved the mail from us. In order to be a participant, you need to be registered with us. If you are not, you can mail us to techboutique.official@gmail.com. You can ping us for any more queries as needed. You can also register as a community manager or help us in task list design as well.

Why 100-days-of-code?

This challenge will help you inculcate the habit of coding everyday apart from coding you do academically or professionally. If you perform well in the 100-days we will send you Dev-stickers to your place (if within India). We would be happy if any generous people come along to sponsor Dev-goodies for better incentives for people to join. All sponsors will be publicised on our social media platforms

What is the cost?

We are taking no cost for you to enroll. We expect you to spread the word and give credit for the tasks we are designing.

What we expect

We expect you to complete this journey on a day to day basis but we provide you a day of buffer of Saturday and you will be given tasks from Monday to Friday. We will try our best to provide you with tasks that can be completed within 90 minutes or so. We expect you to post your task progress everyday using #100daysofcode on either linkedin or twitter tagging us.

What are we learning?

We are learning from scratch HTML/CSS and we will be focussing lot on Javascript which we will be doing from basics to advanced. As React uses JS we don't want no loopholes in javascript basics. We will then be moving to creating basic animations in javascript which are commonly used in Webpages. We want you to learn how to create these from scratch and not use any templates or a existing library. After that we will be moving forward to MERN stack.

Who can enroll?

We just expect the people to have the zeal to learn everyday.

How it works?

  1. Register in the google form https://forms.gle/VU6kKQttFRP22Shv7
  2. You will recieve a mail in 1 or 2 days with your confirmation.
  3. You will recieve your daily set of tasks at or before 11 PM on your mail box.
  4. Ideally you should complete the task before the next task is sent to you but we will analyse a week's code together on Sunday Morning.
  5. Create a fork from the repo and then set the branch to your branch name and do your work there.
  6. You will be given a branch name on this repo. Whenever you complete the task , push your changes to your fork branch only. There should be seperate folders for each day of code. Update your Readme.md file when you make a push, it makes easy for us to evaluate your progress. When you are done with the task, make a pull request to your branch at the main repo, we will analyse it and accept the PR accordingly.
  7. We will also check for Plagiarism , please don't copy code from others. This task is for you to learn and not for any validation from anyone.
  8. Best codes will be pushed to the develop branch of this coummunity.


  1. No plagiarism
  2. No abuses or derogatory remarks on the slack channel publicly or privately.
  3. No stalking on personal profiles or as such, it will be taken very seriously and offenders will be named on the channel.
  4. Make push to your branch ONLY.
  5. Medium of communication will be English, please refrain from use of other languages.
  6. Be kind to everyone regardless of their skill,gender or background.
  7. Plagiarising the documentation and the tasks to your own credit.

Future Plans

  1. If we as community go well along, we will be contributung to open source for the Hacktober2020 by digital ocean and other companies.
  2. Connect on Linkdin and create a community of devs who are problem solvers and help others grow!