
Solution to HackerRank's Problem Solving Questions

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repository contains my solutions to HackerRank's Problem Solving questions. HackerRank offers a wide range of coding challenges that cover various problem-solving techniques and algorithms.

About HackerRank's Problem Solving

HackerRank's Problem Solving section consists of coding challenges designed to enhance problem-solving skills and improve algorithmic thinking. The challenges cover different domains such as algorithms, data structures, mathematics, and more.

Repository Contents

This repository contains the solutions to various HackerRank's Problem Solving questions. The solutions are organized by the name of the problem and are provided in separate files. Each file represents a specific problem and contains the code solution in a programming language of choice.

Solved Problems

Here is a list of the problems that have been solved:

Alphabet_Rangoli.ipynb Arithmetic_Operators.ipynb Arr_left_rotate.py Capitalize!.ipynb DeleteNode_LL.py Designer_Door_Mat.ipynb Detect_HTML_Tags,Attributes_and_Attribute_Values.ipynb Eye_and_Identity.ipynb Find_a_string.ipynb Find_the_Runner_Up_Score!.ipynb Finding_the_percentage.ipynb Insert_at_end_LL.py Introduction_to_sets.ipynb Iterables_and_Iterators.ipynb List_Comprehensions.ipynb Lists.ipynb Loops.ipynb Map_Lambda.ipynb Merge_the_Tools!.ipynb Mutations.ipynb Nested_Lists_.ipynb No_idea.ipynb Print_Function.ipynb Python_Division.ipynb Python_If_Else.ipynb String_Formatting.ipynb String_Split_and_Join.ipynb String_Validators.ipynb Text_Alignment.ipynb Text_Wrap.ipynb The_Minion_Game.ipynb Tuples.ipynb Validating_UID_.ipynb What_s_Your_Name_.ipynb Write_a_function.ipynb Zeros_and_Ones.ipynb ginortS.ipynb insertNodeatIndex_LL.py insert_node_at_beg_LL.py itertools_combinations.ipynb itertools_permutations.ipynb itertools_product.ipynb print_elements_LinkedList.py rev_arr.py sWAP_cASE.ipynb sparse_arrays.py words_score.ipynb


To access the solutions, you can click on the respective file name above to view the code in the corresponding Jupyter Notebook or Python file.


Contributions to this repository are welcome. If you have alternative or more optimized solutions for the existing problems or want to add solutions for new problems, feel free to open a pull request. Make sure to follow the repository's guidelines for contributions.

