
A personalized search engine for tweets+news from news outlets accounts.

Primary LanguageJava

PNSE - Personalized News Search Engine

PNSE is a personalized search engine for news tweets. The system index tweets, and news text. Pipeline


In the era of Web 2.0 and with the spreading of Social Media, news company and newspaper publishers are moving to the web. Most of the publishers, even if they have their website, need a broader platform to reach a more substantial number of users. Platforms like Facebook and Twitter allow a publisher to touch a vast amount of users in short time and enables users to receive updates effortlessly in a single place.To make the experience for the user more enjoyable and to help the publisher to keep users interested in their articles we propose a Personalized News Search Engine from posts on Twitter. Our solution allows users to search tweets of news and obtain results based on their interest. The system uses both the tweets text and the news text to increase the knowledge used for the retrieving.



java -jar irnews-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war

Open browser on localhost:8080

Chose a user, perform a search.