
Create a IIIF-enabled website using universalviewer.io and host it for free on Github Pages

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Get started building a IIIF-enabled website using the Universal Viewer and host it for free on Github Pages.



  • Fork this repo on github to your personal account.

  • Rename the repo, e.g. "my-collection"

  • Clone the repo to your desktop

  • Run npm install

  • Organise your files and folders in /collection using the biiif conventions

  • Run npm start to preview on http://localhost:8888

  • When ready to publish to Github Pages, in the package.json scripts section, assuming your Github username is for example @edsilv, change:

     "dist": "biiif collection -u https://username.github.io/uv-app-starter/collection"


     "dist": "biiif collection -u https://edsilv.github.io/my-collection/collection"
  • In index.html, replace:

    <iiif-gallery manifest="/collection/index.json"></iiif-gallery>


    <iiif-gallery manifest="/my-collection/collection/index.json"></iiif-gallery>
  • Publish to github by running:

    npm run publish-gh

  • Your site should now be available at https://edsilv.github.io/my-collection/ (may take a few seconds)

Publishing using dat

You can use Beaker Browser to publish your portfolio using the dat protocol.

Example: dat://3088365c94ecbe15d2963b1a1e629ee408535e5273c8b15fc20203b2b6f22020

  • In Beaker, click on the menu button and select "New Site".

  • Give it a name and click Create Site.

  • Next to the Share button, click the drop down and select Change Folder.

  • Set the folder to the location of your current uv-app-starter project.

  • Now click the Share button and copy your dat address (dat://<hash>).

  • In index.html, replace:

    <iiif-gallery manifest="/collection/index.json"></iiif-gallery>


    <iiif-gallery manifest="dat://<hash>/collection/index.json"></iiif-gallery>
  • In package.json under the dist-dat script, replace the dat address with your site's address.

  • Run npm run publish-dat. This will generate your IIIF using your dat address as the root.

  • Refresh your site in Beaker.