
Small nodejs app for improved bash logging

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Small nodejs app for improved bash logging. Currently in development stage. Use at own Risk!

The idea of the App is to make selecting and processing bash commands easier. After selecting the wanted commands, one click at export creates two files, one textfile containing all the selected commands, another one containing html code that can be directly copy'n'pasted into a blog.

##Howto use Download the repo and create the folders commands and and history in the main directory (from here on called $BASHLOG_DIR).

Run the app from the main directory

node app.js

If you want to monitor a single shell run

PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a; $BASHLOG_DIR/lib/lastCmd.sh"

Now every command you enter ( in the same shell ) gets copied to the commands dir within $BASHLOG_DIR and will eventually get picked up by the node instance and hence displayed on the App.

If entering the above prompt command in a second shell, you will get also the commands entered there. By exporting it in the bash_rc file, you can automatically log the commands from any shell. Just make sure that the node.js app is running. In the future there might be a small daemon script to automate the loading of the webApp.

If one wants to select from a whole history file, just pipe it into the history directory

history > $BASHLOG_DIR/history/file