A simple addon that adds vectors to the Skript-Language.
Main page: [SkUnity.com] (https://forums.skunity.com/t/10690)
Creating a new vector:
[new] vector [(from|at|to)] %number%,[ ]%number%(,[ ]| and )%number%
[new] vector from yaw %number% and pitch %number%
vector (of|from|to) %location%
%location%['s] vector
vector (from|between) %location% (to|and) %location%
random vector
[new] cylindrical vector [from|with] [radius] %number%, [yaw] %number%(,| and) [height] %number%
[new] spherical vector [from|with] [radius] %number%, [yaw] %number%(,| and) [pitch] %number%
Vector arithmetic:
%vector% ++ %vector%
%vector% -- %vector%
%vector% ** %vector%
%vector% // %vector%
Note: Numbers are automatically converted to vectors! The following syntaxes is valid and should be used to multiply and divide vectors by a number:
set {_v} to vector 1, 2, 3 // 5
Offset a location by a vector:
%location% ~ %vector%
Getting a vector from a location:
vector (of|from|to) %location%
Converting a vector to a location:
%vector% [to location] [in] %world%
location (from|of) %vector% [(from|in)] %world%
%vector% [to location] [in] %world% with yaw %number% and pitch %number%
location (from|of) %vector% [(in|from)] %world% with yaw %number% and pitch %number%
Properties of vectors:
(x|y|z) of %vector%
vector (yaw|pitch) of %vector%
(vector|standard|normal) length of %vector%
%vector%['s] length%
squared length of %vector%
%vector%['s] squared length
Rotating a vector:
rotate %vector% around %vector% by %number% [degrees]
rotate %vector% around (x|y|z)(-| )axis by %number% [degrees]
Some other expressions:
angle between %vector% and %vector%
normalize %vector%
%vector% normalized
%vector% cross %vector%
%vector% dot %vector%