
The official Anime Radio Club Discord bot made with Discord JS!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Completely reworked Anime Radio Club bot!

Proudly made with Discord JS

Command List:

Anime Radio Club now uses per-guild config and has a per-guild prefix which the default is always >

  • help Displays the help message

  • ping Pong!

  • stats Check Anime Radio Club's stats

  • setprefix Set the prefix for your guild

  • invite Grab the invite links for the bot

  • website Grab the website and github link for the bot

  • updates Displays the update notes so you know what's new in this version of the bot

  • restart Restart the bot (Only for bot owner)

  • play <radio number> Plays a radio station

  • list Lists the possible radio stations to be played

  • volume <0-200> Set's the volume for the bot

  • report Report a bug or something, not that you'd know if that command was a bug

  • request Request a suggestion for a radio station to be added in (Limited to using this command 3 times a day)

Hosting Anime Radio Club as your own bot:


These are the stuff you'll have to install before doing anything

  • FFMPEG (just google how to install ffmpeg for node js or something)
  • discord.js, if it wasn't obvious enough
  • request
  • sqlite, for per-guild prefixes (could also use my code to learn how to do per-guild config if you wanted to :D)
  • node-opus or opusscript, either one or else you'll get an error about the opus engine being missing


Invite Anime Radio Club to your server or get support here

View our Website!

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Discord Bots