
Software Engineering Fall 2018 Project

Primary LanguagePython


Software Engineering Fall 2018 Project, Sprint 2

Web Page Usage

Minor Commands

login - To login. Usage: login username password
logout - To logout. Usage: logout
help - To get a small print out of a command. Usage help command or just help

Major Commands

Strucured as such:
$ <Command> <Action> <Fields/Args>

Fields and args can go in any order.
Use the code arg to combine dept, cnum, and snum. Not all are needed but if you have a cnum you must have a dept and if you have a snum you must have a cnum. EX: code=CS-361-401 (code=dept-cnum-snum)

Major Commands:

  add - Adds what you give it
  delete - Deletes a specific one
  edit - To edit a specific one
  view - Leave blank to view all
Course Fields:
    Required Fields (except for when viewing all):
        dept - The department (will be set as the first part when using code=)
        cnum - The course number (will be set as the second part when using code=)
    Optional Fields:
        name - The course name (can have spaces EX: name=Software Engineering)
        description - The course description (can have spaces desc=A really fun course) 
        snum - The section number (will be set as the third part when useing code=)
        instructor - The username of the instructor
Section Fields:
    Required Fields (except for when viewing all):
        dept - The department (will be set as the first part when using code=)
        cnum - The course number (will be set as the second part when using code=)
        snum - The section number (will be set as the third part when useing code=)
    Optional Fields
        instructor - The username of the instructor (must be a TA)
        type - The type of section (Discussion, Lab, Other)
        days - The days the section is on
        room - The room that that the section is in
        time - The time that the section is
User Fields:
    Required Fields (except for when viewing all):
        username - The username
        password - The password
        role - The role of the user. Must be either TA, Instructor, Administrator, or Supervisor
    Optional Fields:
        address - The address of the user 
        phone_number - The phone number of the user
        email - The email address of the user


Department(dept) and course number(cnum) are required field to add a course
$ Course add dept=CS cnum=351
$ Course add dept=CS cnum=351 snum=802
$ Course add dept=CS cnum=351 snum=802 ins=Rock
$ Course add code=CS-351-802 ins=Rock

$ User add user=Foo 
$ User add user=Foo password=abc123 
$ User add user=Foo password=abc123 role=TA

$ Section add dept=CS cnum=351 snum=802
$ Section add dept=CS cnum=351 snum=802 ins=Rock