
Coursera clone

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Coursera Clone star repo

Fully responsive single page application made using MERN Stack! 💙


  • React
  • Node
  • Mongo db
  • Express
  • Redux
  • Redis


  • Mongo
  • Redis

Getting Started

To run a development environment, you can use the npm start command. This will start up a development web server on port 3000 for frontend, and a nodemon-watched API server on port 8080. These development servers will automatically reload if changes are made to the source.

  • Install dependencies for frontend and backend with:

    npm i

  • Install MongoDB

  • add your environmental variables

    • create a .env file in the root directory and add your tokens there with respect to the config files variables.
    • OAuth2Client
  • Start the development environment: for backend(cd Backend) and for frontend (cd Front-end)

    npm start

Docker Compose

Coursera Clone is dockerised and docker hub repository can be found here https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/ayushverma/coursera/general

If you use Docker and Docker Compose, you can start the entire project with:

docker-compose up

🏭 Features


  • Authentication system with signup,login,otp verification,resend otp,forgot password (fully validated with bootstrap alerts)
  • Google authentication (Oauth2) using react-google-login and google auth-library
  • Stripe Payment gateway integrated with backend to buy courses
  • Redux store to easily manage states
  • Homepage with courses being fetched categorically
  • Recommended Courses based on user's preferences
  • Rating of Courses
  • Bookmarked Courses where users can remove or add bookmark
  • Download resourses (pdf - notes)
  • Responsive React Video player for videos
  • Progress bar
  • CoursePage with all the content of the course
  • Searching based on course and teacher
  • Real Time Live Group classes


  • Proper Authentication system with signup,login,otp verification,resend otp,forgot password (fully validated with bootstrap alerts)
  • Fully validated teacher uploading form with descriptition,title,Image and other details
  • CkEditor for writing in textbox with abilities to add diffrent headings,paragraphs,bold,italics,link,tables,sizes etc
  • Teacher can upload upto 5 videos with upload bar to show progress
  • Teacher can see their uploaded courses
  • Teacher can delete their course
  • Teacher can edit their course

Real Time Live Group Classes using socket.io and Optimized with redis for caching messages


Authentication pages

Signup Page

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Login Page

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Otp and Resend Otp Page

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Forgot Password Page

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Main Screens


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Course Page

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Bookmark Page

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Payment Checkout Page

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Live Classes Page

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Preference Page

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Teacher's Courses

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Teacher Uploading Details

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Teacher Uploading Videos

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Responsive Designs

Mobile Design Authentication

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Mobile Design CoursePage

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