
A pattern for offline CentOS repositories using Ansible

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Offline Update Repository

There are times that it is necessary to have local update repositories that are not connected to the Internet but still need to be able to share the updates. This GitHub repository is designed to provide people with a pattern that they could apply to achieve this.

Table of Contents

About The Project

There are many reason why an organisation may wish to have environments where there is no Internet access. However, these tend to boil down to having something that the organisation wants to keep safe and removing the Internet connectivity helps reduce the possible attack vectors. This could be organisations such as Microsoft wanting to keep their source code safe or Governments wanting to keep their secrets safe.

Maintaining your environments in an offline environment comes with many issues, this is why I felt it worth creating this repository to provide a pattern for achieving this. While this has been developed on CentOS this is just due to the environment I am working in but the pattern could be applied to other similar update approaches.

Diagram of structure


Let's first start by understanding the parts of this pattern and the role they play.

Internet facing Repository

The Internet facing Repository will be used for downloading the repository files from the standard repository location. Once these files have been downloaded they can be moved into the offline environment.

We will be downloading all the repository files by using reposync. This will allow us to mirror the contents and therefore avoid the problem of always adding the new files to the existing, which would mean the requires disk space will increase faster.

It would also be possible for us to do this through rsync if we wanted.

Network Diode

The network diode provides a mechanism for one way communication. We won't be going into the diode or how the transfer from one system to the other happens as this will be specific to the environment you work in.

Central Offline Repository

The offline Repository is the main location where all the update files are stored for the offline environment.

Offline Clients

There's very little point in having an offline repository if there are no clients that will be using the repository. To do this we will need to update the Yum configuration for these boxes to point to our repository rather than the default online CentOS one.

It would also be possible for us to achieve this by doing some funny business with out local DNS but for this pattern we will just be pointing the user to our offline repository.

Satellite Repositories

If you have further segregation then it may be necessary for you to provide additional satellite repositories. While this could be done in the same manner as the Internet facing Repository we are going to take a different approach for this.

We could just have our Satllite Repositories pulling their updates from the Central Offline Repository but often, when you have this further segregation of networks you are controlling what can come in/out of the area. For this reason, we are going to take the approach of having our Central Offline Repository push the updates to the Satellite Repositories.

The push to the Satellite repositories will be carried out using rsync, utilising SSH keys to avoid using passwords. As this is a push operation the configuration for doing this is done as part of the offline_repository role.

Satellite Clients

Exactly the same as our Offline Clients, except that we will be pointing them to the Satellite Repositories. We will need to do the same here as far as configuring the Yum repository location but because we will have different Satellite Repositories, when deploying our config we will need to specify the location correctly for each area.



This role covers the main activities of turning the CentOS box into a repository.

Vars for centos_repository

Variable name Type Description
repo_hostname String The hostname for the repository, this is used to configure nginx to expect connections using this hostname. The role will also add in the IP address for the repository automatically so you don't need to include this.
repo_location String The repo location is the place where the repository will be stored on the repository box. It is important that you ensure wherever this is, there is adequate space for the repository to be downloaded.


This role is for the Central Offline CentOS Repository

Vars for offline_repository

Variable name Type Description
satellite_repos String Array The collection of Satellite Repositories where the Central Repository should push the updates to. Ommit if you don't want to have any satellite repositories
satellite_user String The user that will be used for SSHing into the Satellite Repositories.


This role is for the Internet facing CentOS Repository. It includes the necessary tasks to have the box download the updates from the Internet and make them available in a local repository using the centos_repository role.

Vars for online_repository

Variable name Type Description
repo_location String The repo location is the place where the repository will be stored on the repository box. It is important that you ensure wherever this is, there is adequate space for the repository to be downloaded.
repo_repos String Array The repositories that should be downloaded to make them available offline (i.e. BaseOS, AppStream, extras)


Vars for satellite_repository

Variable name Type Description

Built With

While you can implement this pattern using any approach that you like, I will be using the following technologies.

  • Ansible - For automating the deployment
  • Nginx - For the web server where the CentOS repositories are presented to their networks.

Getting Started



See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated. My intent by making this available is for others to be able to benefit from it but also provide their input on making this even better.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.