
Outil de traduction de masse pour Français du Canada

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Cet outil permet de maximiser l'efficacité de traduction de masse pour la langue Français du Canada.

This tool helps us to maximize mass translations for French Canada.


First, you need WP-CLI installed.

Second, you need to install PO-Merger.

Then, you can clone this repo:

git clone git@github.com:SatelliteWP/wp-fr-ca.git

That's it, you can start mass translating!


You can now start mass translating using PO-Merger, our fuzzy file and dictionary. That will speed up the process.

Here is the suggested command line that will maximize your effort:

wp po merge fr-ca fr <source> --diff-only --fuzzy=files/fuzzy.txt --dictionary=files/dictionary.po

You can also merge PO files together to make the dictionary better

wp po merge-file files/dictionary.po my-other-file.po


This project was created and is maintained by SatelliteWP from an idea by Cedric Bethencourt.


Ideas are welcome.