
Primary LanguagePHP

table name            detail

admin           :     it is for details of admin

alloted         :     Details of student those who have allotes the room

all_details     :     details of all the student which admin insert manually, only these students are allowed to make an account

details         :     details of student who has signed up

pdf             :     details of 7 student who will get alloted room information via email, this table will be filled   dynamically and truncate at the end

plan            :     In this table student palnned information will be stored, details created when user sign up with

room_no as null value and it will update when he/she plan a room.

preferences     :     preferences will stored according to rank modulo and table will be truncate at the end of room allotment

valid_con       :     it is for valid condidate information who is valid to book room according to their given time schedule

admin details:	username = admin
				password = qwerty