
TravelTroop is a full-stack web application developed using the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js)stack

Primary LanguageJavaScript


TravelTroop is a full-stack web application developed using the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js)stack. It offers a comprehensive set of features for users to explore accommodations, make reservations, manage their profiles, and list properties for rent.

Key Features

  1. User Authentication and Authorization: Users can register, log in securely with JWT (JSON Web Tokens), and access various parts of the application based on their roles.

  2. Home Page: The home page showcases a curated selection of accommodations available for booking.

  3. Profile Page:Each user has a dedicated profile page to view user details but does not currently support user information updates . Users can view their personal information. It also includes a logout button for user convenience.

  4. My Accommodation: Hosts can list their properties on the "My Accommodation" page. They can provide detailed information about their accommodations, including descriptions, images, pricing, and availability.

  5. My Booking: Users can review their booking history, including current and past reservations. Please note that the "My Booking Page" does not currently support the cancellation of bookings.

Technology Stack

  1. Frontend: The frontend leverages React, a popular JavaScript library, for crafting dynamic and responsive user interfaces. React Router manages declarative routing. built using the following technologies and dependencies:
  • React: A popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

    • Version: ^18.2.0
  • React DOM: A package for React that provides DOM-specific methods.

    • Version: ^18.2.0
  • React Router DOM: A declarative routing library for React applications, facilitating navigation within the application.

    • Version: ^6.15.0
  • axios: A promise-based HTTP client for making API requests from the client-side, enabling seamless communication with the server.

    • Version: ^1.4.0
  • date-fns: A versatile library for date and time formatting, manipulation, and parsing, enhancing date-related functionalities.

    • Version: ^2.30.0
  1. Backend: Node.js and Express.js power the backend, managing server-side logic and API endpoints. MongoDB serves as the NoSQL database for storing application data, and Mongoose serves as the Object Data Modeling (ODM) library.
  • Express: A Node.js web application framework, used for building the server-side logic and API endpoints.

    • Version: ^4.18.2
  • MongoDB: A NoSQL database used to store application data, with MongoDB as the driver.

    • Version: ^5.7.0
  • Mongoose: An Object Data Modeling (ODM) library used to interface with MongoDB, facilitating data manipulation.

    • Version: ^7.4.3
  • jsonwebtoken: A library for generating and validating JSON Web Tokens (JWT), providing secure user authentication.

    • Version: ^9.0.1
  • bcryptjs: A library for hashing and salting passwords, enhancing user password security.

    • Version: ^2.4.3
  • multer: Middleware for handling multipart/form-data, used for file uploads.

    • Version: ^1.4.5-lts.1
  • cookie-parser: Middleware for parsing cookies in incoming HTTP requests.

    • Version: ^1.4.6
  • cors: Middleware for enabling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), allowing secure interactions with frontend applications.

    • Version: ^2.8.5
  • dotenv: A zero-dependency module for loading environment variables from a .env file, enhancing configuration management.

    • Version: ^16.3.1
  • image-downloader: A library for downloading images from the web, useful for handling images in the application.

    • Version: ^4.3.0
  • Authentication: Secure user authentication is implemented using JWT (JSON Web Tokens).

  • Data Retrieval: Axios, a promise-based HTTP client, facilitates API requests from the client-side to fetch data from the server.

Installation and Usage

To run TravelTroop locally:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Navigate to the project root directory in the terminal.
  3. Install necessary dependencies using your preferred package manager (e.g., yarn or npm install).
  4. Set up environment variables for MongoDB connection, JWT secret, JWT token expiry, and cookie duration.
  5. Start both frontend and backend servers.