This directory contains a tutorial for using matlab to stabilize a trajectory of a non-linear system, using a finite-horizon continuous-time Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR).
Entry-point function for the primary demo, using the full non-linear plant
- Plots vector field for non-linear system
- Generate a nominal trajectory
- Approximate trajectory using polynomial curve fitting
- Solve LQR along the trajectory
- Approximate gains using polynomial curve fitting
- Compare the gains obtained from finite vs infinite horizon lqr
- Run simulations to demonstrate controller's stabilizing properties
Solves the finite-horizon continuous-time LQR problem for a time-varying plant (stabilize a non-linear trajectory)
Derives the dynamics equations and writes function files for the non-linear plant.
A quick little demo to find the finite-horizon continuous-time LQR gains for a linear plant, and then comparing the solutions to the infinite-horizon version, generated using Matlab's lqr
Solves the finite-horizon continuous-time LQR problem for a linear time-invariant plant.